Posts Tagged ‘world’

Yogi Pullavar – Self Levitation


Yogi Pullavar’s attendants erected a small tent in an open area. Yogi Pullavar began by ritualistically pouring water in a circle around the tent. Shoes were prohibited within the area marked by the circle. Yogi Pullavar then entered the tent where he remained hidden from view for a few minutes. The attendants then removed the tent. Yogi Pullavar was seen suspended horizontally several feet above the ground. He was in a trance, lightly resting his hand on top of a cloth covered stick. He did not exert pressure on the stick. He apparently used the stick as a point of reference rather than for support. Many photographs were taken from various angles of this exhibition. Witnesses were permitted to thoroughly examine the levitation. They thoroughly searched for strings, props and any means of possible support above, below and around the levitating Pullavar. Nothing was found.
After four minutes the attendants erected the tent around Yogi Pullavar to shield him as he made his descent. P.Y. Plunkett positioned himself so that the sunlight enabled him to discern Pullavar through the thin cloth tent walls. Plunkett said that he noticed Yogi Pullavar gently swaying for a short time while still in mid-air. Then, he slowly sank in a horizontal position to the ground. The process took around five minutes to complete.
When the tent was again removed, Yogi Pullavar was laying on the ground, still in a deep trance. Volunteers were asked to try to bend Pullavar’s limbs. His arms and legs could not be bent from their position. Attendants had to splash water on Yogi Pullavar and rub him down for five minutes before he came out of his trance and was again able to use his limbs.

Swami Lakshmanjoo – Master over Nature

50_lgLakshmanjoo is a highly developed spiritual master who devoted his life to the study and mastery of the relatively unknown system of philosophy called Kashmir Shaivism. By the age of nineteen he had his first clear glimpse of God Consciousness. It was that touch of the Divine that impelled him to take a vow of lifelong celibacy and dedication to the realization of the highest truth. At an early age, as a result of his intense spiritual practice, Lakshmanjoo had achieved the eight great siddhi powers, mentioned in the ancient literature of Indian philosophy.

Devraha Baba – 250+years old


An Indian saint named Devraha Baba, who passed away in 1989, was a yogi who lived just such a lifestyle. Devraha Baba was from the spiritual heritage of the Avatar Ramanandacharya, and lived beside the Yamuna river in Mathura. He lived on a 12-foot-high wooden platform where he usually remained stark naked. He never ate food. He only drank water from the Yamuna river. He claimed he could be in two places simultaneously (a siddhi described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras). He was observed to have stayed underwater unaided for half an hour. He always radiated love. He was a Premaswarupa, an incarnation of love. He gave darshan (spiritual blessing) to devotees who came to pay homage. Many came to visit this great illustrious saint. People came from all over India and from all walks of life. He was a favorite among India’s senior politicians, and was visited by Mrs. Indira and Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. Ministers, saints, yogis, priests, rich and poor all came for Baba’s darshan.

It was rumored that Devraha Baba claimed that he had lived for over 700 years. Until I can substantiate this rumor I need to consider it just a rumor. Nevertheless, I make mention of this rumor because Devraha Baba’s family tree records place his age to be at least 250 years when he took mahasamadhi (relinquished his body) in 1989. If he was able to live to be 250, then it is possible that he lived for 700 years as well. Baba was called, “The Ageless Yogi.” Devraha Baba gained mastery over the khecheri state of yoga whereby he was able to control his hunger and the time of his death. Dr. Rajendra Prashad, who was the first president of India, verified Devraha Baba’s old age. He said that he personally attests to Devraha Baba being at least 150 years old. He said that when he was 73 years old, his father took him to see Baba, who was a very old man, and that his father already had known Baba for many years before that. An Allahabad High Court Barrister had stated that seven generations of his family had sat at the feet of Devraha Baba. Incidentally, Devraha Baba had predicted the time of his death five years in advance.

Prahlad Jani – No Food 65 Years


“I feel no need for food and water,” states Prahlad Jani, a seventy-six year old Indian ascetic who lives in a cave near the Ambaji temple in the state of Gujarat. Mr. Jani claims that he has not had food or fluids to drink for the last sixty-five years. At the age of seven years he left home in search of spiritual unfoldment. Jani states that at the age of eleven years he was blessed by a goddess. He claims that since that blessing he has gained his sustenance from nectar that filters down through a hole in his palate, and has not passed urine or stools since then. Mr. Jani explained, “I get the elixir of life from the hole in my palate, which enables me to go without food and water.” Almost daily Mr. Jani enters a state of Samadhi characterized by extreme bliss and enormous light and strength. He says that he has never experienced medical problems. He says that he did not speak for a period of forty-five years.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba – Man of Miracles

No book about amazing supernatural abilities would be complete without including a treatise about Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Man of Miracles. Sai Baba is considered to be Divinity in human form, an incarnation of God, an Avatar. Tens of millions of people from 160 countries have experienced his Divinity. He has performed many supernatural miracles. His supernatural powers defy description. He has raised people from the dead. He resurrected Walter Cowan, who died from a heart attack and was pronounced dead by doctors. As a result of the resurrection Walter’s diabetic condition and diseased kidneys were also cured. A detailed account of this amazing miracle as told by both Sai Baba and Mr. Cowan is reported in Dr. John S. Hislop’s Book, My Baba and I. Sai Baba also resurrected Mr. V. Radhakrishna, who was dead for several days. Rigor mortis had set in. The body had turned blue and had begun to smell in the normal course of decomposition.
Sai Baba has healed many people; the lame, blind and those suffering from a variety of diseases, both minor and terminal. Also, he always knows peoples’ minds and thoughts.
However, Sai Baba is best known for his routine materializations of vibhuti and any objects desired by him. Such supernatural materializations are produced out of the elements by Sai Baba’s will as evidence, not as exhibition of powers, in order to help bring people to faith, devotion, and inquiry and realization of their own reality. Hundreds of thousands of people have witnessed Sai Baba make a gentle wave of his hand and produce vibhuti (a white ash) for them to place on their tongue and forehead. The supernatural curative power of the vibhuti is well-known to devotees.

Tat Wale Baba – Youthful at Age 85

Tat Wale Baba was born of spiritual parents who were middle-class farmers in Punjab, India. Tat Wale Baba received little formal education, spending most of his early childhood assisting his parents with farm work. At about the age of eight or nine years Tat Wale Baba’s innate spiritual nature led him to begin meditating. This he did ardently whenever time permitted between chores. As he grew into his teenage years Tat Wale Baba took on a mesomorphic stature. Because of his physical prowess his friends encouraged him to join the Army, which he did. He did not like military life. Therefore, after just two months of military service he left and sought the reclusive, sadhu life-style for himself. His search for a guru to guide him was fulfilled when he met Sri Jagannath Dasji at Ayodhya. This guru named him Sri Mahavir Dash Ji. However, later, when Tat Wale Baba started wearing jute people called him Tat Wale, meaning “one who wears jute.” The sobriquet stuck.

Tat Wale Baba lived at the ashram with his guru for about three months during which time he was initiated into Raja Yoga. He then left in search of a reclusive retreat for himself. He was intutively led to Manikut mountain where he came upon an old, emaciated man with very long gata (hair) living in a secluded cave. Tat Wale Baba approached the man and was invited to sit and talk. At the conclusion of their talk the old man left saying that his time was finished, and that he was going to the Himalayas to take mahasamadhi. He left the cave for Tat Wale Baba to occupy.

The cave was conveniently located near a fresh water spring. Tat Wale Baba lived off kandamulo leaves and roots, and fruits he found in the ambient forest. He preferred spending time in long meditations instead of doing asanas. His schedule of meditating was from 2:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. From 10:00 a.m. until noon he would eat and rest. Then, from noon until 4:00 p.m. he would again meditate. He would exercise for about two hours, until 6:00 p.m. For exercise he usually took long walks of about ten kilometers, collected firewood, and worked hard at expanding the dimensions of his cave.

People coming into the forest to gather leaves and sticks for sale in Rishikesh occasionally spotted Tat Wale Baba emerging from his retreat. Word soon spread that a yogi was taking long periods of silence in a cave. As a result, pilgrims began to come by the hundreds to try to visit Tat Wale Baba. Because of the demand for his time he altered his schedule to include some visitor time.

Tat Wale Baba had a cobra for a pet. He regularly fed it milk from a cup. The cobra liked to stay in the cave where Tat Wale Baba meditated. Tat Wale Baba is said to have contacted the King of the Cobras and asked that no cobra harm any of the people passing through the nearby jungle foothills. It is said that there have been no accounts of people being bitten by cobras in the area since then.

Tat Wale Baba was credited with performing miracles. There were three couples that could not bear children. Each couple came to see Tat Wale Baba, and from his blessings each had a child born to them. He also gave pilgrims darshan, performed healings, and gave spiritual guidance. Further, Tat Wale Baba predicted his own death. He said that he would be shot to death. He said that a rogue, who was very jealous of him, and living nearby in the forest, would sneak up and shoot him in the back. He told this to his closest disciple on June 22, 1971, several years before he took his mahasamadhi. Also, just two days before he was shot, Tat Wale Baba reminded his disciple of this prediction.

On December 2, 1974, as he went to take his bath at 4:00 a.m., Sri Tat Wale Baba was murdered by a crazy gunman. He was killed by a man operating a small ashram near Tat Wale Baba’s cave.

No known records exist of Tat Wale Baba’s age. However, a man who was a classmate of Tat Wale Baba’s in elementary school, and who had seen Tat Wale Baba later in life, commented that Tat Wale Baba had stopped aging when he was about thirty-five years old. By assuming that Tat Wale Baba was of equal age as this classmate, Tat Wale Baba’s year of birth was about 1890. That would place Tat Wale Baba’s age at about eighty-five years when he was killed. Had he not been killed perhaps he would have lived to his rumored age of 120.

What gave Tat Wale Baba his youthfulness and stopped his aging at mid-life?
Perhaps research done on long-term meditators provides a hint. According to a study published in theInternational Journal of Neuroscience 16 (1): 5358, 1982, the longer people had been meditating the lower their biological age became as compared with their chronological age (as measured by blood pressure, and visual and auditory performance). As a group, long-term meditators who had been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for more than 5 years were physiologically 12 years younger than their chronological age. Short-term Transcendental Meditators were physiologically 5 years younger than their chronological age. The study controlled for the effects of diet and exercise.
Another study, which researched elderly meditators, was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 57(6): 950-964, (1989). It reported that people in their eighties showed a marked improvement rather than deterioration in their mental and physical health and well-being over a three year period of practicing Transcendental Meditation. Benefits for the meditating elderly included: reversal of aging; increased longevity; increased cognitive flexibility (including increased learning ability and greater perceptual flexibility); increased word fluency; improvements in self-reported measures of behavioral flexibility and aging; greater sense of well-being; improved mental health; and reduction of blood pressure to more ideal levels.
Since Tat Wale Baba was an advanced meditator who spent most of his time in extended deep meditation, this may explain how he retained his youthfulness.

Baby born without brain


Nicholas Coke was born with a rare condition called anencephaly that caused him to never grow a brain, only a brain stem. Doctors gave him just a few hours to live and miraculously this baby just celebrated his 2nd birthday.


The idea for the RYNO was born seven years ago, when creator Chris Hoffman’s daughter asked him to build a working version of a one-wheeled ride she saw in a video game. With a top speed of 16 Km/hour and a range of 16 Km, it won’t take you too far, too fast but will certainly attract a lot of interest. This one-wheeled, self-balancing electric motorcycle is about to hit the market with a price tag of $5,300.
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1. A mobile phone and a hands free kit are seen in the rectum on an X-ray of a 58 year old Sri Lankan prisoner, who tried to hide his mobile phone during a search of his cell.000-Del6192213-jpg_033111

2. When doctors examined an X-ray image of the knees of a woman experiencing severe joint pain, they found a gold mine: hundreds of tiny gold acupuncture needles left in her tissue.ec21db3c-75fe-4b1f-acf5-65a8b7f722b3_gold_acupuncture_scan 

3. Chicago’s Dante Autullo unknowingly shot a nail into his skull and posted a picture of the X-ray on Facebook during his ambulance ride between hospitals for surgery. Autullo underwent surgery to remove the 3-1/4-inch nail lodged in his brain and is recovering.shocking-x-ray-02-300112-630-jpg_041321

4. This image provide by the University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona shows the x-ray of an 86 year-old man, Leroy Luetscher, who was accidentally impaled through his eye socket with pruning shears at his home on July 30, 2011. While working in his yard, Luetscher dropped a pair of pruning shears, which landed in the ground point-side down. When Mr. Luetscher went to pick up the shears, he lost his balance and fell face-down on the handle. The shears handle penetrated his eye socket underneath his eye and went down into his neck. Mr. Luetscher was taken by ambulance to University Medical Center’s Level 1 Trauma Center. University of Arizona surgeons, including trauma surgeon Julie Wynne, MD, oculoplastic specialist Lynn Polonski, MD, and vascular surgeon Kay Goshima, MD, were able to remove the shears, rebuild his orbital floor with metal mesh, and save his eye.Shocking-X-rays-220911-02_044354

5. Six nails embedded in the skull of construction worker Isidro Mejia, 39, after an industrial incident caused a nail gun to shoot nails into his head and brain on April 19, 2004, are seen in this X-ray image from Providence Holy Cross Hospital in Los Angeles. Five of the six nails were removed in surgery that day and the sixth was removed from his face on April 23, after the swelling went down.Shocking-X-rays-220911-03_044301

6. An X-ray showing a 17centimeter (6.7 inches) pair of surgical scissors in the abdomen of 69-year-old Pat Skinner in Sydney, Australia, Tuesday, April 20, 2004. Mrs Skinner had an operation at St.George hospital in Sydney’s south in May 2001, but continued to suffer intense pain and it was only when she insisted on an x-ray 18 months later that she discovered the scissors inside.Shocking-X-rays-220911-04_044302

7. The X-ray picture shows a 5-centimeter nail stuck in an unidentified South Korean patient’s skull Thursday, Dec. 2, 2004. According to a Seoul hospital, doctors found the nail after the man came to the hospital, complaining about a severe headache. They speculate that the nail stuck in the man’s head four years ago in an accident but the man didn’t know about it.Shocking-X-rays-220911-05_044234

8. This X-ray released by New York’s Montefiore Medical Center, Monday, July 16, 2007, shows a screw that was inserted in the broken neck of Paul Robinson, of Kirkland, Wash. Robinson, 53, was in the steep upper deck of Yankee Stadium with his wife and son July 8, 2007, when an unidentified man above him fell down several rows of seats, breaking Robinson’s vertebra.Shocking-X-rays-220911-11_044248

9. In this undated photo, an X-ray image of Chinese woman, Luo Cuifen, 29, released by Richland International Hospital, needles are seen in her body. Chinese surgeons planned to begin removing 23 needles from Luo, possibly imbedded under her skin by grandparents trying to kill her so that a baby boy might take her place, a hospital spokesman said Monday, Sept. 10, 2007. In many parts of China, baby boys are still heavily favored over girls because they are bound by tradition to support their parents in their old age, and because they carry on the family name.Shocking-X-rays-220911-12_044315

10. An undated X-ray shows steel balls and magnets inside of 8-year-old Haley Lents, after the Huntingburg, Ind. child swallowed the pieces from a magnetic toy set on May 8, 2008. The child required emergency surgery and was hospitalized for two weeks.Shocking-X-rays-220911-13_044234

11. In this undated Metropolitan Police handout, x-ray images show how a teenage boy cheated death when a five inch knife was plunged into his head. The 16-year-old and two other young men were injured when they tried to stop a friend being robbed at a bus stop. He was rushed to hospital with the kitchen knife still stuck in his forehead after the attack in Walworth, south London.Shocking-X-rays-220911-14_044314

12. In this undated photo released by the New South Wales Police on Friday, April 24, 2009, an X-ray image of the skull of Chinese man Chen Liu is shown. Liu’s badly decomposed body was found in marshland in Sydney’s south, Nov. 1 2008, after being shot repeatedly in the head with a high-powered nail gun.Shocking-X-rays-220911-15_044328

13. This photo taken aug. 6, 2011 and released Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2011 by the Cicero Police Department shows an x-ray revealing a diamond ring inside Wilfredo Gonzalez-Cruz, 30, of Chicago, that he allegedly stole from the home of a women in Cicero, Ill., and then and swallowed. Gonzalez was arrested Friday, aug. 5 and authorities recovered the ring after waiting for it to complete its journey through his body.Shocking-X-rays-220911-16_044248

14. An X-ray showing a spear that has pierced through the head of 16-year-old Yasser Lopez is seen in this handout photo from Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida provided to Reuters June 19, 2012. Lopez was spear fishing with a friend when he was accidentally shot in the head. The spear entered just above his right eye, and penetrated through his brain to the back of his skull. Miraculously, no vital brain structures were damaged by the harpoon, and Lopez is now recovering from the incident.xray-accident-220612-630-jpg_055959

(Viewers discretion advised)

10. Cholera


Around 400 B.C.E., the Athenian physician Hippocrates catalogued the diseases of his world. Cholera was on the list. But while Hippocrates provides the first proof of cholera beyond a reasonable doubt, the disease likely originated along the Ganges River while Athens was still a very young place.

Cholera lives in many of the world’s water sources, but it’s most dangerous when it has an environment in which there are many people among whom it can spread. The Ganges River happens to be one of the most ancient locations of humanpopulation density, and so it was long, long ago that upstream users gathered in the numbers needed to pollute the water for those downstream. In other words, as more people become infected with cholera, they pollute the water supply with more bacteria, which in turn infects more people.

Interestingly, the same problem might have been a major factor in the loss of troops in Hannibal’s march across the Alps. With a 50,000-soldier train, the troops and animals in front would have encountered pristine mountain streams, but those in back would have been forced to deal with putrid and potentially cholera-rich water.

9. Typhoid


From 430 to 426 B.C.E., a great plague swept through the city-state of Athens. The historian Thucydides describes the symptoms this way:

People in good health were all of a sudden attacked by violent heats in the head and the throat or tongue, becoming bloody and emitting an unnatural and fetid breath. When it fixed in the stomach, it upset it; and discharges of bile of every kind named by physicians ensued, accompanied by very great distress. If they passed this stage, and the disease descended further into the bowels, inducing a violent ulceration there accompanied by severe diarrhea, this brought on a weakness which was generally fatal.

8. Leprosy


The Bible passage Leviticus 13:2 reads, “When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a scab, or bright spot, and it be in the skin of his flesh like the plague of leprosy; then he shall be brought unto Aaron the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests.”

But this isn’t the first concrete mention of the disease. That honor goes to the Egyptian “Ebers Papyrus,” written in 1550 B.C.E., which recommends, “If you examine a large tumor of Khonsu in any part of a man and it is terrible and it has made many swellings. Something has appeared in it like that in which there is air … Then you shall say concerning it: It is a swelling of Khonsu. You should not do anything against it”.

While typhoid and cholera are fairly straightforward in their aggressive spread through water sources, leprosy relies on another dispersion strategy — that of dormancy. People can carry the bacteria that cause leprosy for 20 years or more before showing symptoms, and during this time can spread the disease.

One historical challenge in treating leprosy was diagnosis. In its early stages of expression, leprosy looks much like syphilis and somewhat like psoriasis. Misdiagnosis landed many psoriasis sufferers in leper colonies where many eventually did, ironically, contract and die from leprosy due to increased exposure.

7. Smallpox


Generally, the goal of mummification is to preserve soft tissue. So, as you would expect, Egypt provides a treasure trove of information on ancient, soft tissue diseases.

One of the first researchers to turn a paleopathological eye on Egyptian mummies was Sir Marc Armand Ruffer, who in his 1921 book “Studies of the Palaeopathology of Egypt” described three mummies with “dome shaped vesicles” extremely similar to those expected of smallpox. The most ancient of these mummies was dated 1580 B.C.E., and the most recent was the mummy of Ramses V, who died in 1157 B.C.E.

After his own inspection of the mummy, Donald R. Hopkins, who participated in the World Health Organization’s Smallpox Eradication Program, wrote of Ramses V, “Inspection of the mummy revealed a rash of elevated ‘pustules’, each about 2 to 4 millimeters in diameter, that was most distinct on the lower face, neck, and shoulders, but was also visible on the arms.”

Is this conclusive? No, not necessarily, and to date there has been no modern analysis of Ramses V that could definitively determine if his condition was, in fact, smallpox. But the circumstantial evidence seems strong.

Smallpox is one of history’s greatest killers, responsible for 300 to 500 million deaths in the 20th century.

6. Rabies


Rabies is ingenious: Not only does it infect a host, but it also hijacks the host’s brain in a way that makes the host want to bite things. This is how rabies gets a ticket to ride. And it’s been doing it since at least 2300 B.C.E., when it was described in the Eshuma Code of Babylon.

The first person known to have survived rabies without a vaccination is Jeanna Giese, a Wisconsin teen who was bitten in 2004 by a rabid bat while at church. The New York Times reports that Jeanna went a month between bite and treatment, and was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of full-blown rabies. Doctors at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin initiated a cocktail of coma-inducing and antiviral drugs, though Giese’s family credits prayer with saving the girl’s life.

5. Malaria

Symptoms_of_MalariaOriginal Title: A.funestus_1.50sRGB

The Romans offered the first cure for malaria: an amulet worn around the neck, inscribed with the powerful incantation “abracadabra”. Over the years, we’ve attempted various other cures: adding oil to stagnant puddles to smother mosquito larvae, using pesticides, vaccines and nets, and even leveraging high-tech solutions such as a laser that shoots mosquitoes in midair. But the disease continues to infect 300 million people every year, killing 1 million of them.

The Wall Street Journal reports that malaria is responsible for half of all human deaths since the Stone Age.

Granted, that statistic extends the origin of the disease back in time past its first definite mention, which was in the Chinese “Nei Ching (“The Canon of Medicine”), around the year 2700 B.C.E.

4. Pneumonia


People breathe more than 11,000 liters (3,000 gallons) of air every day. And so, as you would expect, the lungs are a favorite home of bacteria, viruses, fungi and even parasites. And when anything foreign colonizes the lungs, the most common result is fluid. The umbrella term we use to describe fluid in the lungs is pneumonia.

Hippocrates wrote that fluid in the lungs should be called pneumonia if, “the fever be acute, and if there be pains on either side, or in both, and if expiration be if cough be present, and the sputa expectorated be of a blond or livid color”. But he also distinctly calls it a “disease of the ancients.”

Where exactly does pneumonia place in this list of oldest known diseases? Because it’s a soft tissue disease, the archaeological record isn’t strong. But it’s likely that various forms of pneumonia have been around as long as our lungs.

3. Tuberculosis


In 2008, a team of scientists from University College London excavated the submerged ancient city of Alit-Yam, off the coast of Israel. There, they found the buried remains of a mother and her child. Both skeletons showed bone lesions characteristic of tuberculosis. DNA testing confirmed it: Tuberculosis is at least 9,000 years old.

Interestingly, this dig also lent evidence to an ongoing chicken-or-the-egg debate of whether we got TB from cows or they got it from us. In Alit-Yam, human skeletons showed signs of TB, while DNA from animal skeletons didn’t. So it seems cows are not the killers we once thought.

Other historical speculation has proved equally false: Neither the fossil nor DNA records support the cause of TB as nightly revelry with fairies and the resulting lack of rest, nor is the disease the result of witches who transform the victim into a horse and then ride the victim to nightly meetings, as were once thought.

While the Alit-Yam finding is the oldest confirmed case of TB, characteristic lesions have been found on bones found in Turkey, dated about 500,000 years ago.

2. Trachoma


Trachoma is a chronic infection of the upper eyelid that eventually results in the eyelid constricting and turning the eyelashes in toward the cornea. Over time, the rubbing of the constricted eyelid and especially the eyelash makes the patient go blind. This is what happened to Aetius, Paulus Aeginetus, Alexander, Trailaus, Horace and Cicero. And trachoma is described in Hippocrates and in the Egyptian Ebers papyrus.

But researchers make a compelling case for earlier trachoma found in a corner of the world little associated with early diseases: Australia. Aboriginal skeletons from 8000 B.C.E. show a common skull lesion around the eyes. Scientists determined that these lesions were due to bone infection that had come from soft tissue infection. Though there are a few eye diseases that could fit this bill, the skeletons were found in the Australian region in which trachoma is most common today.

1. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

rocky mountain

Mitochondria are small organelles found in nearly every cell in the human body. And they perform a function essential to human life, converting glucose from food to energy called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which cells can use.

But mitochondria carry their own genetic material — separate from human DNA — and these genes look a lot like those of bacteria. In other words, it’s very likely that the mitochondria that we depend on for survival are the products of an ancient infection.

Whatever the infection, it predates animal life, let alone humans. So there’s no use exploring the fossil record. Instead, researchers compared the genes of mitochondria to those of existing bacteria. The closest match was to bacteria of order Rickettsiales, many of which cause diseases — including Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Teeth Chiseling


In Mantawaian, a remote village from Sumatra, the natives don’t just pierce and tattoo their skins, they also chisel their teeth. Why do they do it? Because an old myth of theirs says that their ancestors once separated in spirits and humans. Humans were able to join the spirits if they felt unhappy with their lives. A soul can leave the body, causing its death if it is not happy with the body. So in order to keep their souls happy, the natives make their looks prettier. And in their standards, teeth chiseling is a good way to look pretty.


Checkout how it is done with your own eyes :

Blackening Teeth


Ohaguro is a custom dyeing one’s teeth black and even though it may seem something completely bizarre to us, in South_west Asia, it’s considered a must! Those who do it say that it helps keep their teeth healthier and cavity free.


See how they blackening their own teeth :

Pulling out Teeth


In Cape Town, South Africa a bizarre fashion stands its ground for the past 60 years. In that part of the world, it is considered fashionable to pull out your front teeth… Moreover, youngsters as well as the elderly, both believe that this is actually a beauty ritual, and people who do chose to keep their front teeth are laughed at.

Tattooing Gums with Black


Women in Senegal believe that blackening their gums makes their smile more enchanting and beautiful. Have a look at the video below to see how hard it is to have your gums tattooed.

See how it was done :

(viewers discretion advised)

Chinese Woman Gives Birth To A Baby With A 3 Inch Tail


In 2013 a baby boy was born with a bizarre long tail hanging out of his lower back, and the weirdest thing is that it is still growing. As spooky and strange as that may sound, it is a real case and we’ve got the story right here. Have a look for yourself at the 2013 Chinese baby with a tail.

Xiao Wei is the name of the poor baby who was unlucky enough to be born with an odd tail sticking out of his lower back. What’s even worse is the fact that the tail is posing a threat to his life due to the fact that it is still growing.


The fact that the spinal cord is out in the baby’s tail only makes things worse for the doctors, who declared that they can not simply cut off the tail and make the baby look normal. Surgeon Huang Chanping declared that the growth is highly developed and now measures approximately 10 centimeters.

So hopefully, the good doctors will be able to cure the baby from this Myelomeningocele, which is one of the most common type of spina bifida, with an occurrence rate of 1 in 800 babies born.

(viewers discretion advised)

Pig Man of Gautemala


In  2012, residents of the Guatemalan village  decided that a pig’s odd human-shaped head was the work of extraterrestrials, after strange bright lights were spotted hovering in the sky on the night of its birth. The poor pig, which was one of a litter of 11, as described as looking like a cross between a human and something from science fiction movies. Farmer Laureano Escobar Arias said: ‘I was shocked – it was a really terrifying experience.

‘It looked like some kind of alien creature.’

However, local health officials have suggested that there are more earthly reasons for the pig’s appearance.


‘We don’t know for certain but it could have been caused by a genetic problem or by environmental pollution,’ one commented.

Monkey Pig From China


In 2012 the birth of a strange pig in China caused a sensation.  The strange beast was rumored to be a cross between a frisky monkey and a sow.




Half human half sheep


On Monday, January 22, 2012, doctors and staff of Fakon Idi Veterinary Clinic, in Sokoto metropolis were hit with amazement when a sheep was delivered of a monster-like creature. The news of a “half sheep, half human” creature born to an adult sheep in the town of Sokoto, Nigeria quickly spread across the world. The locals claimed witchcraft, Dr. Dahiru Sani who was one of the surgeons that carried out the operation on the controversial sheep said infections such as German measles, excess drugs and radiation could cause such abnormalities in animal pregnancy.


Half-human half-goat


According to the Daily Post in Nigeria, in September, 2012 a general hospital located in Jahun, Jigawa state became a theater of absurd and bizarre when a woman who had labored for 9 months gave birth to what looks like a combination of human head and goat legs. The woman whose identity is yet to be revealed had delivered peacefully only to have had a child with human head with no neck, and goat legs handed to her by the doctor.

Half-man, half-goat discovered in Zimbabwe


The Daily Telegraph on September 28, 2009 reported a goat, which died just a few hours after birth in Lower Gweru, Zimbabwe, had a huge head and face which resembled a human as well as goat legs and a tail. The Zimbabwe Guardian reported that Midlands Governor and Resident Minister Jason Machaya maintained the creature was the result of a coupling between man and goat. “This incident is very shocking. It is my first time to see such an evil thing. It is really embarrassing,” Machaya  said.   ”The head belongs to a man while the body is that of a goat. This is evident that an adult human being was responsible. Evil powers caused this person to lose self control

Montauk Monster


The “Montauk Monster” was found in the area  of Montauk , Long Island, a coastal New York, town in 2008.  It had a hairless body like a doga dog but a beak and teeth that were very strange.

Some say the  ”Montauk Monster” was raccoon carcass that washed ashore dead.  The identity of the creature, and the veracity of stories surrounding it, has been the subject of controversy and speculation. It is unknown what happened to the carcass. William Wise, director of Stony Brook University’s Living Marine Resources Institute, interpreted the photo along with a colleague; they deemed the creature a fake, most likely the result of “someone who got very creative with latex”, although his “next-best guess” was that the creature could be a diseased dog or coyote which had “been in the sea for a while”. Wise discounted the following general possibilities:

Raccoon – the legs appear to be too long in proportion to the body.

Sea turtle – sea turtles do not have teeth, and the body cannot be removed from the shell without doing damage to muscle and skin tissue and the spine.

Rodent – rodents have two huge, curved incisor teeth in front of their mouths.

Dog or other canine such as a coyote – the prominent eye ridge does not match the creature’s feet.

Sheep or other ovine – sheep have two-toed hooves, not multi-toed paws.


Plum island is an animal disease center just outside Long island wich is one of the most dangerous bio-labs in the U.S. They are performing studies and tests on bio-warfare and exotic diseases of animals .  Some maintain the creature was an experiement from that lab.


Monster face otter


A bizarre creature with a long hairy body with bald skin on its head, feet and face showed up in a small Canadian town, according to media reports. It was discovered by two nurses in the town of Kitchenuhmaykoosib in Ontario, Canada, while they were out on a walk with their dog.

The two took some photographs of the dead animal pulled out by their dog from a lake, then they left it alone. When locals went back to retrieve the body, it was gone. It has dark brown fur, head , face, smooth legs , no feathers . The face was like a boar with the nose of a big dog.

East River Monster Mystery

Photographer Denise Ginley shot pics of the rotting, sand-covered corpse on Sunday while strolling with her boyfriend along the Manhattan side of the East River in July 2012.


Credit: Denise Ginley


Credit: Denise Ginley

“The Parks Dept. was probably very quick to identify it as a pig and dispose of it, but it is most certainly NOT a pig,” Denise Ginley stressed to the Daily News. “The most obvious sign being the lack of a cloven hoof, instead this creature has five digits all close together.”

Russian Trench Creature.


In 2009 these weird creatures were found in an abandoned foundation pit in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk. Some maintain they were horseshoe crabs.

The creature had more than 20 little legs.



Chupacabra monster of China 

Chupacabra is Spanish for a creature that attacked goats and sucked their blood. Rumors of the   mysterious monster myth originated in Puerto Rico but soon spread to North and South America,  .In March of March of 2010 , in the area of the city of Suining in Sichuan province, southeast China,  an animal very similar to the description of the Chupacabra was captured.The animal attacked chickens in the area, according to Suying Ke, the chickens’ owner . He saw the animal bite to eat meat from a shredded cicked. . He tried to chase the strange beast with a stick but hado success . Finally thanks to the help of neighbors, they were locked up in cage the beast .

The beast looks like mixed between mice , kangaroo and a dog with huge claws . It is about 60 cm long with a 30 cm long tail When villagers fed vegetables and meat to it it would  chew the food voraciously People said that it was extremely aggressive.

(viewers discretion advised)

1. Impalement: A sharp pole is pushed, bottom upwards, through the victim’s body

If you were Vlad the Impaler (more commonly known as Dracula) of 15th century Romania, you simply impaled your victims by forcing them to sit on a sharp and thick pole. The polewas then raised upright and the victim was left to slide further down the pole by his or her own weight.

Often, the pole would emerge through the sternum so that its tip could be placed under the chin to prevent further sliding. It could take the victim three days to die. Vlad did this to between 20,000 and 300,000. It is said he enjoyed having a meal while watching impalements.

2. Judas Cradle : The victim’s orifice is painfully stretched, flesh ripped

The Judas Cradle was perhaps a little less sadistic than impalement but still gruesome. The victim’s anus or vagina would be placed over the point of the pyramid-shaped cradle, then lowered on it by ropes. The intended effect was to stretch the orifice over a long period of time, or to slowly impale.

The victim was usually naked, adding to the overall humiliation of the torture and sometimes weights were added to the legs to increase the pain and hasten death. This torture could last anywhere from a few hours to complete days. The device was rarely washed, so the victim could also be plagued with a painful infection.

3. Coffin Torture : Torture in a metal cage, pecked at by preying birds

The Coffin Torture was feared in the Middle Ages, and is often seen in films depicting the time (see Monty Python’s Holy Grail). The victim was placed inside a metal cage roughly made in the shape of the human body. Torturers could force overweight victims into a smaller device, or even make the “coffin” slightly larger than a victim’s body to make him more uncomfortable. The cage was frequently hung from a tree or a gallows.

Serious crimes, such as heresy or blasphemy, were punished by death inside the coffin where the victim was placed under the sun allowing birds or animals to eat his or her flesh. Sometimes onlookers would throw rocks and other objects to further increase the pain. (Photo by Charles Bray)

4. The Rack : designed to dislocate every joint in its victim’s body

Who could forget the dreaded rack, commonly believed to be the most painful form ofmedievaltorture? It consisted of a wooden frame usually with two ropes fixed to the bottom and another two tied to a handle in the top. As the torturer turned the handle, the ropes would pull the victim’s arms, eventually dislocating bones with a loud crack. If the torturer kept turning the handles (they often went too far) some of the limbs were torn right off the body.

In the later Middle Ages, a new variant of rack appeared. Spikes were added that penetrated the victim’s back when he or she were forced to lie on table. As the limbs were pulled apart, so was the spinal cord, increasing not only the physical pain, but the psychological pain of knowing that, even if he or she were to survive, mobility of any kind would be lost forever.

5. The Breast Ripper : Painfully tears and mutilates a woman’s breast

Used as a horrible punishment for women, the breast ripper was used to inflict pain, blood loss and the mutilation of their breasts. It was usually used for women accused of conducting abortions or of adultery.

The claws were often placed, red hot, on the victim’s exposed breasts, the spikes penetrating to achieve a powerful grasp. They were then pulled to rip off or shred the breasts. If the victim wasn’t killed she would be scarred for life as her breasts were literally torn apart.

A common variant was known as “The Spider,” which is a similar instrument attached to a wall. The victim’s breasts were fixed to the claws and the woman was pulled by the torturer away from the wall, removing or mutilating them. This was a brutal punishment that often resulted in the victim’s death.

6. The Pear of Anguish : Rips orifices, dislocates jaw bones

This brutal instrument was used to torture women who performed abortions, liars, blasphemers and homosexuals. The pear-shaped instrument was inserted into one of the victim’s orifices: the vagina for women, the anus for homosexuals and the mouth for liars and blasphemers.

The instrument consisted of four leaves that slowly separated from each other as the torturer turned the screw at the top. The device would tear the skin at the very least or expand to mutilate the victim’s orifice. It could dislocated or break the jawbones

Pears of Anguish still in existence are lavishly engraved or adorned to differentiate between the anal, vaginal and oral pears. This torture rarely brought death, but was often followed by other torture methods.

7. The Breaking Wheel : Designed to render vicitim’s limbs useless

Also called The Catherine Wheel, this device always killed its victim, but did so very slowly. The victim’s limbs were tied to the spokes of a large wooden wheel. The wheel was then slowly revolved while the torturer smashed the victims’ limbs with an iron hammer, breaking them in many places.

Once his bones were broken, he was left on the wheel to die. Sometimes the wheel was placed on a tall pole so birds could pick and eat the flesh of the still-living human. It could take up to two or three days for him to die of dehydration.

Sometimes it was ‘mercifully’ ordered that the executioner strike the criminal on the chest and stomach, blows known as the coups de grâce (French: “blow of mercy”), which caused lethal injuries, leading to the end of the death by torture.

8. Saw Torture : Common saw cuts victim in half

Saws were was common torturedevices because they were readily found in most houses and no complex devices were required. It was a cheap way to torture and kill a victim accused of witchery, adultery, murder, blasphemy or even theft.

The victim was tied upside down, allowing blood to be diverted to the brain. This ensured that the victim maintained consciousness for as long as possible, it slowed the loss of blood and caused maximum humiliation. The torture could last several hours.

While some victims were cut completely in half as a symbolic gesture, most were only cut up to their abdomen to prolong the time it took to die.

9. The Head Crusher: Compresses the skull, shatters teeth, squeezes out the eyes

The head crusher was a popular torture method used by the Spanish Inquisition, among other users. The chin was placed over a bottom bar and the head under an upper cap. The torturer slowly turned the screw, pressing the bar against the cap. The head was then slowly compressed, first shattering the teeth into the jaw, then a slow death with agonizing pain. Some variants of this device included small containers that received the eyeballs as they were squeezed out of the victims’ eye sockets.

This instrument was an effective way to extract confessions, as the period of pain could be prolonged for many hours if the torturer chose to. If the torture was stopped midway, the victim often had irreparable damage done to the brain, jaw or eyes.

10. The Knee Splitter : Severs the knees and other limbs

Another tool favoured by the Spanish Inquisition because of its versatility, was the knee splitter. It was a vice-like instrument with sharp spikes outfitted on both sides of the grip. As the torturer turned the handle, the claws slowly squeezed against each other mutilating and penetrating the skin and bones of the knee. Although its use rarely resulted in death, the effect was to render the knees completely useless. It was also used on other body parts including elbows, arms and even the lower legs.

The number of spikes the knee splitter contained varied from three to more than twenty. Some claws were heated beforehand to maximize pain – others had dozens of small claws that penetrated the flesh slowly and painfully.

Francisco Domingo Joaquim

Francisco Domingo Joaquim from Angola has the widest mouth in the world. The lips and cheeks of this 20 year old were measured, at full stretch, to be 17 cm (6.69 in).